5. Querying
5.2. The EMongoCriteria Object
5.1. Simple queries
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5.2. The EMongoCriteria Object

AuthorDariusz Górecki

By default MongoDB requires to build advanced query arrays if you want advanced search for documents in DB.

The EMongoCriteria object simplifies process of building this query arrays.

First of all create the object instance: $criteria = new EMongoCriteria();

You may define query criteria in three simple ways:

  1. Simple 'equlas' condition, that is equivalent of SQL: WHERE fieldName = 'fieldValue':
    • $criteria->fieldName = 'fieldValue';
  2. By field name call ie. SQL: WHERE fieldName > 1234:
    • $criteria->fieldName('>', 1234);
  3. By addCond method ie. SQL: WHERE fieldName <= 1234:
    • $criteria->addCond('fieldName', '<=', 1234);

You can add multiple conditions, using any of the above techniques, they will be mixed together.

In addition to above the criteria object has additional special methods.

  1. limit($value) that takes as parameter the query results limit, same as SQL LIMIT directive
  2. offset($value) that takes as parameter the query results offset to get, same as SQL LIMIT directive second parameter
  3. sort($fieldName, $sortDirection) this will be covered shortly
  4. select($array) this will be covered shortly

If you want to add simple criteria, that will use field name that is a method name from the above list, you can use the addCond method ie. $criteria->addCond('limit', '==', 1234);

sort EMongoCriteria method

The sort method takes two parameters

You can call sort method as many times as you wish, the sorting criteria will be mixed together.

select EMongoCriteria method

The select method takes only one argument, array of field names.

By default MongoDB will return all fields from of document, use this method to tell mongo that you want only specified field list.

  • MongoDB regardless of anything, will always return the _id field within result sets
  • You can call sort method multiple times, all calls will be merged using array_merge function

List of supported operators

List consist of operators and after | available shortcut (if any)

Operators are case-insensitive

- 'greater'   | >
- 'greaterEq' | >=
- 'less'      | <
- 'lessEq'    | <=
- 'notEq'     | !=, <>
- 'in'        |
- 'notIn'     |
- 'all'       |
- 'size'      |
- 'exists'    |
- 'notExists' |
- 'type'      | // BSON type see mongodb docs for this
- 'mod'       | %
- 'equals'    | ==
- 'elemMatch' |

the $or operator in newer versions of mongodb does NOT work with this extension yet. We will add it to the list above when it is fixed.

Newer versions of mongodb will work, just not the $or operator.

For examples and use for how to use these operators effectively, use the MongoDB Operators Documentation here.


// first you must create a new criteria object
$criteria = new EMongoCriteria;
// find the single user with the personal_number == 12345
$criteria->personal_number('==', 12345);
// OR like this:
$criteria->personal_number = 12345; 
$user = User::model->find($criteria);
// find all users in New York. This will search in the embedded document of UserAddress
$criteria->address->city('==', 'New York');
// Or
$criteria->address->city = 'New York';
$users = User::model()->findAll($criteria);
// Ok now try this. Only active users, only show at most 10 users, and sort by first name, descending, and offset by 20 (pagination):
// note the sort syntax. it must have an array value and use the => syntax.
$criteria->status('==', 1)->limit(10)->sort(array('firstName' => EMongoCriteria::SORT_DESC))->offset(20);
$users = User::model()->findAll($criteria);
// A more advanced case. All users with a personal_number evenly divisible by 10, sorted by first name ascending, limit 10 users, offset by 25 users (pagination), and remove any address fields from the returned result.
$criteria->personal_number('%', array(10, 0)) // modulo => personal_number % 10 == 0
    ->sort(array('firstName' => EMongoCriteria::SORT_ASC))
$users = User::model()->findAll($criteria);

Regexp / SQL LIKE replacement

You can use native PHP Mongo driver class MongoRegex, to query:

// Create criteria
$criteria = new EMongoCriteria;
// Find all records witch have first name starring on a, b and c, case insensitive search
$criteria->first_name = new MongoRegex('/[abc].*/i');
$clients = Client::model()->findAll($criteria);
// see phpdoc for MongoRegex class for more examples

Creating criteria object from an array:

// Example criteria
$array = array(
        // field name => operator definition
        'FieldName1'=>array('greaterEq' => 10), // Or 'FieldName1'=>array('>=' => 10)
        'FieldName2'=>array('in' => array(1, 2, 3)),
    'sort'=>array('fieldName1' => EMongoCriteria::SORT_ASC, 'fieldName4' => EMongoCriteria::SORT_DESC),
$criteria = new EMongoCriteria($array);
// or
$clients = ClientModel::model()->findAll($array);
5.2. The EMongoCriteria Object
5. Querying
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5.1. Simple queries
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6. The Advanced Stuff