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6.8. Massive Partial Updates
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6.8. Massive Partial Updates

AuthorPhilippe Gaultier

Since the v1.3.6 You can perform partial updates of multiple documents.

// prepare modifiers
$modifier = new EMongoModifier();
// replace field1 value with 'new value'
$modifier->addModifier('field1', 'set', 'new value');
// increment field2 value by 1
$modifier->addModifier('field2', 'inc', 1);
// prepare search to find documents
$criteria = new EMongoCriteria();
$criteria->addCond('field3','==', 'filtered value');
// update all matched documents using the modifiers
$status = ModelClass::model()->updateAll($modifier, $criteria); 

And thats it, this will only update those 2 fields (force value of field1 and increment value of field2) for all the documents having field3 == 'filtered value', everything else in the db will remain untouched.

Available modifiers are :

You can find detailed explanation about usage of those modifiers on the original MongoDb documentation.

EMongoModifier can be defined during creation :

// prepare modifiers
$modifier = new EMongoModifier(
        'fieldName1'=>array('inc' => $incValue),
        'fieldName2'=>array('set' => $targetValue),
        'fieldName3'=>array('unset' => 1),
        'fieldName4'=>array('push' => $pushedValue),
        'fieldName5'=>array('pushAll' => array($pushedValue1, $pushedValue2)),
        'fieldName6'=>array('addToSet' => $addedValue),
        'fieldName7'=>array('pop' => 1),
        'fieldName8'=>array('pop' => -1),
        'fieldName9'=>array('pull' => $removedValue),
        'fieldName10'=>array('pullAll' => array($removedValue1, $removedValue2)),
        'fieldName11'=>array('rename' => $newFieldName),

, during execution

$modifier = new EMongoModifier();
$modifier->addCond($fieldName1, 'inc', $incValue),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName2, 'set', $targetValue),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName3, 'unset', 1),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName4, 'push', $pushedValue),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName5, 'pushAll', array($pushedValue1, $pushedValue2)),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName6, 'addToSet', $addedValue),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName7, 'pop', 1),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName8, 'pop', -1),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName9, 'pull', $removedValue),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName10, 'pullAll', array($removedValue1, $removedValue2)),
$modifier->addCond($fieldName11, 'rename', $newFieldName),

or using the two methods

6.8. Massive Partial Updates
6. The Advanced Stuff
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6.7. Document Partial Updates
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6.9. GridFS