6. The Advanced Stuff
6.9. GridFS
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6.9. GridFS

AuthorDariusz Górecki

You can use MongoDB GridFS feature to save big files within MongoDB collections.

The first thing you need to do, it to define model for yours GridFS collection, see example:

class Image extends EMongoGridFS
     * This field is optional, but:
     * from PHP MongoDB driver manual:
     * 'You should be able to use any files created by MongoGridFS with any other drivers, and vice versa.
     * However, some drivers expect that all metadata associated with a file be in a "metadata" field.
     * If you're going to be using other languages, it's a good idea to wrap info you might want them
     * to see in a "metadata" field.'
     * @var array $metadata array of additional info/metadata about a file
    public $metadata = array();
    // this method should return the collection name for storing files
    public function getCollectionName()
        return 'images';
    // normal rules method, if you use metadata field, set it as a 'safe' attribute
    public function rules()
        return array(
            array('filename, metadata','safe'),
     * Just like normal ActiveRecord/EMongoDocument classes
    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
        return parent::model($className);

Every EMongoGridFS has a special field "filename", that is mandatory!

EMongoGridFS has a feature that holds files in temporary folder, between operations, it can be set on global level in EMongoDB class, by setting property gridFStemporaryFolder to some dirname, or on model/object level by using gridFStemporaryFolder() setter

This part of documentation is not yet complete, for now, follow usage examples:

//create a new image
$image = new MongoImage();
$image->filename = '/var/www/myImage.JPG';
$image->metadata = array('value1'=>1, 'value2'=>2);
$res = $image->save();
if($res !== true)
    echo 'error saving file';
//find image
$image = MongoImage::model()->find();
if(!($image instanceof MongoImage))
    echo 'error finding object';
//findall images
$images = MongoImage::model()->findAll();
    echo 'error on findall';
//delete images
$image = MongoImage::model()->find();
if($image instanceof MongoImage)
    $result = $image->delete();
    if($result !== true)
        echo 'delete notok';
    echo 'no image found to delete';
//deleteAll images
$result = MongoImage::model()->deleteAll();
    echo ' isarray';
    if(isset($result['err']) === true )
        echo ' error deleting images:'.$result['err'];
        echo ' elements deleted:'.$result['n'];
//deletebyPk image
$image = MongoImage::model()->find();
if($image instanceof MongoImage)
    $result = MongoImage::model()->deleteByPk($image->_id);
    if($result !== true)
        echo 'error';
    echo 'no image found to delete by pk';
//insert image and update
$image = new MongoImage();
$image->filename = '/var/www/myImage.JPG';
$image->metadata = array('value1'=>1, 'value2'=>2);
$res = $image->save();
$image->filename =  '/var/www/myImageUpdated.JPG';
$image->metadata = array('value1'=>3, 'value2'=>4);
$res = $image->save();
if($res !== true)
    echo 'error updating';
//MongoGridFSFile functions
$image = MongoImage::model()->find();
//getBytes function
$bytes = $image->getBytes();
$filename = $image->getFilename();
$size = $image->getSize();
6.9. GridFS
6. The Advanced Stuff
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6.10. Soft Documents Models