6. The Advanced Stuff
6.10. Soft Documents Models
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6.10. Soft Documents Models

AuthorDariusz Górecki

Since the 1.3.4 version you can have models, that do not have fixed attribute list.

The only thing to get started is to define model that extends from EMongoSoftDocument


class MixedModel extends EMongoSoftDocument
    // You still can define a field(s), that always will be defined
    // like in normal EMongoDocument, but this is optional
    public $field;
    // As always define the getCollectionName() and model() methods !
    public function getCollectionName()
        return 'mixed_collection';
    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
        return parent::model($className);

And thats it! Now you have model class that will handle of any field lists!

You still can use all features that are present in EMongoDocument because 'EMongoSoftDocument` extends from it.


You need to init every soft attribute that you want to add to model, by using $model->initSoftAttribute($attributeName).

$model = new MixedModel();
$model->initSoftAttributes(array('field2', 'field3'));
$model->field = 'regularField';
$model->field1 = 'value';   //  }
$model->field2 = 'value2';  //  } soft attributes, only in this model instance
$model->field3 = 'value3';  //  }
// Finder will init and populate all soft attributes with values found in particular document automatically
$newModel = MixedModel::model()->find();
echo $newModel->field3; // will print 'value3'
6.10. Soft Documents Models
6. The Advanced Stuff
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